Monday, September 26, 2011

Zombie Dickheads 8-page preview

Woot WOOT! After all these months, my creator-owned one-shot Zombie Dickheads Are NOT Coming to Get You, is ready to drop in Oct.. Here is an 8-page sneak peek!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dickheads on deviantART!

I was lucky enough to get interviewed by the lovely Susan Coffey for deviantART as part of their coverage of SDCC 2011.  I talk about Zombie Dickheads and art, both regular and deviant.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I talk Zombie Dickheads at FEARnet

I just got back from San Diego Comic-con, and boy is my smiling face tired!  It's only scowls for the next few weeks, folks.  Sorry.

I was lucky enough to get a chance to talk Zombie Dickheads with the fine folks at FEARnet at my table in Artist's Alley.  Check it out!