Thursday, September 20, 2007

First post. IT BEGINNNNNS!

Ok, so here it is. The first post of my new blog. Hopefully, I'll begin updating this thing semi-regularly, though I've been treating the internet like my fairweather friend as of late.

I'll be posting artwork and sketches that I'm working on; maybe some musings on art and comics. Maybe I'll just operate silent but deadly-- like a fart in an elevator.

First up is some pieces from a story I've done for the POPGUN, Vol. 1 anthology coming out in November from Image. I'm joined by a ton of talented creators, and it's pretty damn cool. They're calling it the "ultimate comic book mixtape". I like that. There's a lot of energy and fun coming from the pieces in this book, and I hope mine is no exception. It's a story starring a funny animal character I'd been kickin' around for a while called SANZ PANTZ: NINJA PLATYPUS.

Popgun Volume One, a $29.99
Original Graphic Novel
Trade Paperback
November 2007
Image Comics.

1 comment:

Kenny said...

I love Pop Gun and I love Ninja Platypus.